heron delaney harvard ma 15072502

A heron nest, located at top of a dead tree in an area flooded by beaver activity, remained active for two seasons. I hike through this area most weeks throughout the year, and so naturally have many photos.

This photo is sometimes hard to see at first. A parent heron is feeding his/her two babies. The parent is in front with wings outstretched, legs at the front of the nest, facing back, with head and neck leaning over to the left and down to the baby. One baby is positioned left to right, with tail to the right, the other baby is positioned front to back. The first baby is receiving breakfast in this photo. It took me some time to sort out what I was seeing. The parent's head is at the left and pointed down. The baby's head is reaching and pointed up - the sun is on it - and the mother's beak is inserted into the baby's beak. The neck of the second baby is behind - the distinctive curve of the neck is apparent going up, with the head pointing in to the fray.

Heron and babies feeding estabrook 15070501

Cheating, for sure - in Monterey, within city limits, is a body of water referred to as an estuary, though its opening to the ocean appears to be long ago closed. This heron has taken up residence, and is sufficiently used to people walking by that it let me walk right up and take a full-frame head shot!

heron estuary monterey 17013102

I was parked on the river bank waiting for a family of swans to move into view, when this heron flew in from the right. Naturally I photographed the landing. The heron was flying from right to left, and I arranged the series in like fashion - right to left.

heron landing composite assabet stow forest 200531c

Announcing the start of spring - return of parents to last year's nest.

heron nest arrival estabrook 15042501

Incidentally, in the picture above, there are three herons. I presumeĀ it is theĀ mother who is on the nest, and in this photo she is barely visible. I am speculating that the parents are returning to the nest, as this was an active nest last year, with 2 parents and 3 offspring. And so I wonder if the two parents are present this year, along with one of their offspring - and in that case seems a bit awkward!

heron and nest w two heads estabrook 14062901cr
heron w nest 14062902cr
heron delaney harvard ma 15072504
heron in flight estabrook 14041902cr

A shift to Maine, near Camden, a grey October day, grey rocks at the shoreline, and a grey Heron - well camouflaged.


Heron shore rocks mere lea 18093003
Heron shore rocks mere lea 18093009
Heron shore rocks mere lea 18093010
heron and nest w 3 babies estabrook 14062915cr
heron and nest w 3 babies estabrook 14062913cr
heron assabet concord 150510cr

A heavy fog morning - very pleasant to be out, makes for a softer image.

heron fog heavy estabrook 17091701
heron rocks mere lea 18093003
heron rocks mere lea 18093001
Heron estabrook 19042802

Green Heron

Heron Green Monterey 17020507
Heron Green Monterey 17020503
Heron Green Monterey 17020506